Automatic Robot Pool Cleaners
2 types of Robot Pool Cleaners
There are two fundamentally different types of robot pool cleaner. The first type run off batteries and the second type are powerered by the vacuum point that is always provided on in-ground pools.
Battery Operated Robots
The first type - and the type that Bluepools prefers - are the ones that are battery powered and that are supplied on a wheeled storage cart that holds the battery charging equipment.
Bluepools can supply any of the range of Dolphin and Polaris robot cleaners.
Vacuum Operated Robots
Vacuum operated robots work by being connected to the vacuum outlets that are provided with most outdoor swimming pools.
The drawbacks to this type of equipment are:
- The main pool filtration pump has to be run continuously during cleaning - or another special pump just for cleaning has to be installed. A special pump is better because the suction characteristics can be matched more exactly to the robot specification - but it obviously complicates the pool plumbing and inlet manifold arrangments.
- The pipework between the vacuum point and the manifold may need to be upgraded to suit the suction requirments of the robot (pipes can be squashed flat under the pressure from the suction when it is added to earth pressure from backfilling over the pipework).
- The robots are difficult to tune and keep in tune, especially when it comes to climbing the pool walls. The tuning is carried out by adjusting jets on the robot. Having made the adjustments, put the robot in the water and tested it - can take hours.