Pool Building Companies add costly, unneccessary overheads to a pool project that can increase the overall cost by +30%.
Your Local Builder will provide a cheaper and better quality pool construction than any so-called specialist because they know "How to get things done" in your area.
With Bluepools on board to provide resources and expertise you will have the best possible combination of resources to build your pool.
Polybloks are ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) that are very light and fit together like Legobricks. They form a hollow wall which is filled with concrete and reinforcement which forms an insulated wall which provides Earthquake Proof pool walls that can be built using inexperienced labour.
They can be used for Tiled or Vinyl Liner Pools and meet all Building Regulation requirements when used for the pool hall walls. Most importantly - by installing them up to the pool hall eaves levels the requirement for costly and intrusive structural frames is avoided.
Old fashioned Freeboard pools have skimmers that incorporate floating weirs to maintain the pool water level about 150mm (6") below the pool coping stones. Even with 4 x skimmmers it takes hours for the floating pathogens to be pumped through the water disinfection system.
In deck level pools, the whole pool perimeter acts as a weir - the water spills over the coping stones into a concealed gutter that collects the water from a pair of narrow (10mm wide) strips in the pool paving. Deck level pools require a balance tank to hold the overflow water as well as sophisticated control systems. Bluepools designs and supplies the control panels with touch screens to ensure that these systems can be set up and operated on a trouble free basis.
The most important piece of equipment to have in any indoor or outdoor pool is an automatic floating cover. These are effective (but not fool-proof) safety devices which can lower pool running costs by 50% by reducing evaporation and hence heat loss from the water surface. The rollers can be submerged under the pool water or above ground at one end of the pool. Bluepools supplies and installs the best value for money automatic floating covers available in the UK.
The floor space available for indoor pools can be very limited and safe access to the pool plant room can be difficult to provide. When a deck level pool with a floating automatic cover is required the pool tank walls needs to be specially adapted to provide the space required for the balance tank and the cover pit. This requires the specialised knowledge and experience that Bluepools provides.
In the past, Architects would design the pool hall and its foundations and a Pool Building Company would install the pool inside the building with all the cabling, pipework and ducting left buried beneath the pool hall floor. If anything goes wrong the expensive floor paving has to be dug up.
This scenario can easily be avoided by integrating the pool hall and pool design so that an "Undercroft" is provided around the pool. If this is designed into the project from the start the cost of providing the Undercroft is negligible.
Many Clients are very surprised to hear that the overall cost of an Indoor Pool Installation depends primarily on the footprint area of the pool hall (i.e. not the pool), the method of construction and the quality of the floor, wall, ceiling and exterior finishes.
Also, inexperienced Building Inspectors can impose the same rules as those for residential buildings when they should not apply. Hence overall costs can be minimised by using your Local Builder and making full use of the Bluepools expertise in this area.
Bluepools designs, supplies and installs water treatment systems that provide the same quality as tap water with the same very low chlorine content whilst also reducing the running cost of a pool to the absolute minimum. Furthermore the automated process reduces the time and difficulty involved in looking after the pool and so a pool maintenance provider is not required.
Bluepools will provide all the drawings and details required in constantly updated Folios, thus ensuring that the pool is built 100% in accordance with modern standards and the Building Regulations. Furthermore the Client will have a record of exactly what was built that can be used in the future if the pool needs maintenance work including: