
Planning consent in France for an Abri (Enclosure) to NFP90-308

Because of their ugliness their are specific planning rules for abris in France as follows. It is important to understand that these planning rules are quite permissive because any abris that is installed under these rules is being allowed provided that it is acting as a safety device in accordance with the Norm NFP90-309.

Abris to NFP90-309 planning requirements for New Swimming Pools

Pool Area

Tarpaulin type cover

Abri less than 1.8m high
Abri greater than 1.8 m high
less than 10m2 None None Permis de Constuire
Between 10 and 100m2 Declaration Preable Declaration Preable Permis de Constuire
Greater then 100m2 Permis de Constuire Permis de Constuire Permis de Constuire

Abris to NFP90-309 planning requirements for Existing Swimming Pools

Pool Area

Tarpaulin type cover

Abri less than 1.8m high
Abri greater than 1.8 m high
less than 10m2 None None Declaration Preable
Between 10 and 100m2 None None Declaration Preable
Greater then 100m2 None None Declaration Preable

I know - I know! - just build the pool first and then stick up whatever abris you want.

I'm afraid it does not work like that - if you do not actually have a pool already the Declaration Preable must indicate what type of protective device you are going to install - and if you are going to use an abris then you are caught under the rules of the table for new pools